Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Oldest Secret Diet!!

You are reading this for 1 of 3 reasons.
1. You want to get skinny so you thought you should find out the Oldest Secret Diet.
2. You are jealous of me and want to do the things I do.
3. Curiosity I guess.
           Amandah Hendricks, creator of life extraodinaire (2 lives, not life inclusive), has jumped on the P90X band wagon. One might ask, why would someone do such a horrible thing? and after these past four days of doing it, she is asking herself the same question.

Unfortunately, there really is no better way of getting into shape. She bought the HCG drops, and upon starting them, she caught a bug. Amandah thought it best to wait until [the bug] had subsided before proceeding and what should fall into her lap? P90X. Thanks to her cousin Jen, Amandah is in more pain now than ever before. But it was free!

So the next time that you see Amandah going to the grocery store she will most likely look like this...
Click ME


  1. Wow I thought I got a good deal paying 40 bucks, but ya can't beat free!! Good job,'s pretty intense, isn't it? The hour and a half yoga is a struggle for me. It's just so darn LONG. But keep up the good work and hopefully soon we will both be mean, lean, sculpted machines!

  2. Haha, that video is pretty great! Whoever came up with P90X (sounds like a radio station to me) is probably a billionaire. Everyone and their dog has it/does it. It must work, otherwise people wouldn't get it I guess.
