Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mama Mia! It's a-me! Mario!

 The Hendricks family have been celebrating Halloween all week, and to kick it off, Wyatt had  his pre-school Halloween party. The four year old helped his mother dress tootsie pops as ghosts and draw spooky faces on them. He has also been wearing his costume ALL WEEK. Whenever his mother talks to him, and says. "Wyatt, could you do this, Wyatt what are you doing, Wyatt come here".His only response is........ "No, you mean MARIO, mom".  Aside from the fact he is completely hilarious, this does test one's nerves. Especially when one is trying to discipline.

Identical right!?

But he IS so funny and creative, he obviously gets that from his mother. They went out to lunch as a family today and Wyatt was upset they weren't going to Wendy's. Instead they went to Cafe Paesan. Mario was not happy. Amandah kindly explained to him that Mario is Italian, and that he eats Italian food too.
Victory! Ohh kids are so dumb; they'll fall for anything ;-). He ate all of his Spaghetti (which he normally hates), AND vegetables (because Mario eats those too). Wyatt taught his mother a valuable lesson that day; Mario does NOT eat cucumbers.

Sexy Mario

Maxi Mario
'Toad' as Wyatt refers to him.

So the day passed with no incidents, no excitement, no blood or guts. Just when they thought it was over, in walked Sexy Mario, with a furry little fuzz bucket in his arms... Heaven help them all, they were over come by the cuteness. Those damn eyes.

Sexy Mario explained to Mama Mia that the cat had been abandonded at work in the yard, and that it couldn't be more than two weeks old. Well Mama Mia wasn't too happy, even though the critter was awfully cute, Sexy Mario said it would live in the garage and kill mice. Okay, but until then the thing is scared of spiders. So now what. The thing needed a name, and what did Mario come up with?

Mario. The cat's name is Mario. How in the world are we to keep all these Italians straight!?
So until the day of mice killing, Mama Mia is incharge of the life of this (no doubt disease infested) Mario, ontop of her two other Marios and dog Daisy.  Curse words and filthy abominations!
Then the two (Sexy and Mama) realize the cat hasn't made poopy all night. They research it online. Apparently, if the kitten is not making doody, the mother will lick it's doody areas, and thus stimulate them to make the doody. Well, this translates into...
 "uh Amandah, I'll go get YOU a warm wash cloth. Good luck and good night." 
Mama- "why can't you do it? you brought this cat home."
Sexy-"i'm allergic to cats."

Although VERY adorable

I DON'T want this cat. Do you?!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Children of the Corn

Friday Wyatt's preschool class went to Hee Haw Farms in P.G. .

He's the one you can barely see in the back.

They had a grand time going on a hay ride, picking out pumpkins...

 playing in the Hee Haw park...

a petting zoo...

and going through the corn maze.
Of course I have no proof of pictures because the corn maze was haunted.

 Amandah on the other hand did not have such a great time. While heading into the corn maze, [Amandah] got lost with Riley's (one of the other children's) mother, Amy. The two were seperated from the group due to a crappy umbrella stroller, and completely uneven ground (also not watching where their group went). What's that you say? It's a childrens corn maze how lost could they get? The answer is VERY. Apparently, a mother with one screaming baby and an 8 1/2 month pregnant woman do not = smart.  Hello!  This woman could go into labor at any time and all I have to cut the umbilical cord is a corn stalk! All this jostling around on this rugged terrain is sure to send that baby shootin' out!

The Fabulous AMY!

With this thought in mind, the two frantically searched their way through the maze over the mountains of corn and dirt, they broke down stalks, went in circle after circle, finally resorted to calling MRS. SUZAN... She must think we are idiot mothers. She calmly told us to go West... um West? I can barely tell time let alone which way is West lady! Well, needless to say, that didn't work, so after 45 minutes, they cut their way over some bales of hay, down a big long path, and finally got to the pumpkin patch. Victory was theirs!

They also had a corn box...

 Thankfully, W did not see it.
The crazy kids had a great time, and the mothers were simply happy to be alive.
Maxi also enjoyed the day in his stroller. Even though it was a bit bumpy.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Birthday Supreme!!

Today is my birthday. Tomorrow is Silas's birthday. We are almost fossils. It seems like yesterday i was swimming around in my mothers amniotic fluid, ahh those were the days. Not a care in the world. The cord was cut and now we are parents. That was so fast! Tomorrow it seems as though we will be back in diapers. Wyatt is sure to tell everyone that it's his responsibility to change our diapers when we get elderly. Who could ask for anything more.

To celebrate our progession of age, we went to Tucanos with the Gillmans yesterday. Mmmm MEAT! Then I happily ordered two desserts. NOT one for each of us, TWO for me. We went home, I had to run to Wally World to get dog food, and rushed home to eat my desserts... I came home and opened them to  find each of them were half gone! Oh!! My birthday was ruined already.

Raspberry Cheesecake!!

Some Coconut Chocolate Lover Devine Amazing Thing...
Yes, I know that is plenty for two people, but it's my birthday. It happens but once a year. Anyways, I couldn't yell at Mr. Hendricks because he was sawing logs on the couch already. So I devoured the two instantaneously. I've never felt better either.
So today for my birthday I did whatever I wanted, and instead of sitting around and watching TV like I do everyother day, I thought to myself, "Self, lets clean!" and so we did. Scrubbed the big tub, the toilet, the walls, the sinks, the floor, and the baseboards. Whew! what a day. Then W and I played on the floor with Max. What a wonderful day.

What? I know, I know, I have the cutest kids ever. People keep saying that. I can't help it. Finally Mr. H got home. We went to Cabela's to get his big humongous present. My Aunt Jill gave me a fabulous new pot from my bff Martha Stewart. It changes from a stock pot to steamer to pasta cooker with a quick switch of insert.

After Cabela's we went to JCW's and had some food that was bad for us. Came home, and here I am, blogging my heart out to you. Happy Birthday to my Silas. He is going to kill some defenseless animals(or so he thinks) this weekend, and I will be hanging out with my well known boyfriend Lee. Or as he refers to himself... Ree.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Double Take?

So I have been looking at their (Wyatt&Max) baby pictures and I swear they look alike.
See for yourself.

So maybe they don't look that much alike. But aren't they so stinkin cute! I am going to try to find some better ones. They are the joy of my life and I don't know what I would do without these critters. #1, I love you. #2, I love you as well. I can't wait til we have more and can sound off in the car on family outings. I always wanted to be counted, but there's not much to count when it's just 1.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Can't STAND it

Our little Maxi is getting so huge! I was talking to a girl at work, and she has a baby that is 3 months younger than max, but 5 lbs bigger. Ummm, if you've seen Max, you know that's huge! Here is her baby-

Hahaha, funny. Anyways, Max's past times include but are not limited to: laying on his back, looking at his hands, pulling hair, eating food, singing and reading (being sang to, and read to that is).
Some things he does NOT enjoy are: long finger nails, falling asleep in my arms, and putting his legs down at any time! I tell ya, most babies shoot like rockets off your legs or stomach, but not him. It's like he's walkin on hot coals. Oh the sweetness.
Here's the baby now...

Touch your feet dangit!!

Here are some more pictures of my monsters.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Grow up

Lately I have had to ask myself if traits I have are juvenile or just part of who I am. What kind of person do I want to be known as. Sure I want to be known as a classy, fun dame with confidence. But at what expense? I want my children to find a mate who is comfortable in their own skin. So i need to be the example, but how far do I need to go to show them what is appropriate? Should I not be burping as loud after dinner? Should I not be laughing when Wyatt comes running to show me the giant log he just laid in the john? Should I not be participating in the flatulence contest the men are having at work? Are all these things me just being myself? OR are they me not growing up...

It's not my fault I have enough gas to heat my house.
Or MAYBE the world should get over itself and embrace it. After all, we do all do it.

It's not as if I'm doing in front of my superiors, or in front of those with weak constitutions. So, let me know what you think. To fart or not to fart. Am I immature, or just different ?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Elevator of DEATH!!

Late into the midnight hour of Monday October 11th, Amandah was working in the lab at the hospital. It was like any other night really. Mopping floors, scrubbin poo, and chewin the fat with her co-wokers. When roaming the halls [Amandah] met up with co-workers Adam(cousin), and Kynsie Ryfe (friend). Amandah and Kynsie proceeded to walk to the Physicians Plaza to get Kynsie's water bottle on the 4th floor.

Before I go any further here's a little background on the Physicians Plaza. No one is there at night. It was probably built in the early eighties and is filled with corners, shadows, dim lighting, and mirror windows. All sorts of places to hide. 
     The two reached their destination. Office 410. After telling Amandah of her previous incident in the elevator the week prior,(she was stuck) the two continued their journey out of the 410 office. Kynsie remarked that the door was shutting very slowly (implying something was wrong, perhaps someone was holding it) The two exchanged glances and picked up their pace down the corridor, feeling vulnerable in the glass building.

          Kynsie remarked that she held mace on her person, (she did not however brag that she didn't know how to use it), but the thought made Amandah feel nice and warm inside. Kynsie would save her should an attacker make himself known. Finally, in what seemed like a labrynth of a hall (it's really a straight shot) the two reached the elevator. The elevator was wood paneled with brown and yellow speckled carpet. They entered. The thought of a recent movie trailor popped into Amandah's head, as she pushed the button for the lobby, and she asked Kynsie if she had seen that movie about the Devil in the elevator.

         Immediately Kynsie screamed bloody murder and coiled up in the fetus position in the opposite corner of the elevator door, scrambling for her mace. Amandah, next to the door, turned to see someone's hands scratching in the closing door trying to pry it back open, she too began to scream for dear life. They were trapped. With no where to run. How had they not seen this intruder?!
 Amandah had a cup of water in her hand, and in trying to throw it at the perpetraitor,(trying to melt them?) spilled it on herself.
           While the two girls froze helpless the figure emerged into the elevator. It was a woman in her mid 60's. Graying hair, black leather coat, wrinkley, coarse hands.
         The woman spoke in a very stern voice as the two were tongue tied to what had just happened., saying, "I sure hope you didn't wake up the sleep study people." They tried to explain to her the circumstances which had occoured before, talking at the same time in a jumble. She replied, "are you the night people?"  As if they had some sad ailment. Then told them that they were strange characters.
Still motionless, Kynsie wet with fright, on the floor in the corner, and Amandah helpless with her empty cup of water, watched as the woman exited on the 2nd floor. The two had been traumatized by this horrible old woman. She could have possibly sustained hearing damage due to their screams, but she was the bad guy. I cannot speak for Kynsie, but I know Amandah, was seriously, and unbelievingly in fear for her life.
     Never again would Amandah go to the Physicians Plaza. Never, again.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Oldest Secret Diet!!

You are reading this for 1 of 3 reasons.
1. You want to get skinny so you thought you should find out the Oldest Secret Diet.
2. You are jealous of me and want to do the things I do.
3. Curiosity I guess.
           Amandah Hendricks, creator of life extraodinaire (2 lives, not life inclusive), has jumped on the P90X band wagon. One might ask, why would someone do such a horrible thing? and after these past four days of doing it, she is asking herself the same question.

Unfortunately, there really is no better way of getting into shape. She bought the HCG drops, and upon starting them, she caught a bug. Amandah thought it best to wait until [the bug] had subsided before proceeding and what should fall into her lap? P90X. Thanks to her cousin Jen, Amandah is in more pain now than ever before. But it was free!

So the next time that you see Amandah going to the grocery store she will most likely look like this...
Click ME

Thursday, October 7, 2010

PEE-pee TeePee

Today I realized Max has yet to pee on me. Ever. This is weird. Especially because Wyatt did it all the time when he was a baby. He's peed on everyone but me. I'm wondering if he isn't comfortable with me? Or maybe i just catch him at a bad time? What ever the reason, I wish he would just get it over with. I saw these little pee shields and I thought they were funny. Or as some people call them "The Wee Block" or, the
 "Pee-pee Teepee"

Notice the "weiner dogs"
While most parents dred the pee, I wait.
I'm so excited for Wyatt and Max to grow up together. I hope they are the best of friends, I think they are getting off to a pretty good start.

The Men in My Life

 Tonight as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I heard singing coming from the shower. It was the voices of Silas and Wyatt singing, " wo oh i want some more..." in unison. Then Wyatt began to chastize Silas about how that wasn't his part to sing, and Wyatt wanted to sing it. I remember doing that to my mom. So sweet, and at the same time I want to smack him :-). 


Serious Side Effects...

     As you most likely know, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Since having Max, it has come back with a vengence. It's taken a big toll on my body and I've been pretty useless. The medication is over 1,200 dollars a month, with insurance the copay is 300. Consequently I have had to go without for the past 6 months, UNTIL YESTERDAY! I applied for a grant from the Health Well Foundation who helps pay the enormous cost of medications. It took some time, but definately well worth the wait. Hooray for drugs! Although the medication may have some serious side effects ( TB, Multiple Sclerosis, siezures, Lymphoma and inflammation of the eye nerves), the benefits out weigh the risks. Thanks to Enbrel, I am me again! Thank you  for your thoughts and prayers!