Friday, January 7, 2011

Resolution #2

Resolution #2 is a bit more work.
Something I dread more than anything in this world...
Not boogers on walls,
not poopy diapers,
not removing catheters,


dun Dun DUNNNN!!!

Oh the horror.
I know you hate it too.
 But the difference between you and me, is that I won't do it.
Even eventually.
We will live out of our clean laundry baskets.
It's not the washing I can't handle.
 It's the sorting, and folding, and putting away.
I don't know why.
Maybe because its time consuming, tedious work.

So my next resolution is to not let the baskets sit more than a day.
This is a huge deal people!!
these here baskets have been stewing for a week.
 But still.

So, today, as I was conquering this resolution
my mother W and I
were watching Despicable Me.

My mom seems to think that the little yellow guys resemble Chilean miners.

I definately see a resemblance.


  1. Maybe Wyatt would be feel empowered by taking on the task of folding...worth a try!

  2. Stone loves to fold laundry. I have never once asked him to do it, but everytime I bring a basket up to fold(which always takes a few days or a week...)he digs right in. He thinks it's fun. I don't know where he got that.

  3. You are not alone on this one! I am constantly moving our baskets of clean laundry around the house...I take it downstairs with the intent of folding while I watch tv and it doesn't happen. I bring it to our bedroom to do it and it doesn't happen. I put it in the living room thinking it will bug me enough there, but it still doesn't happen. I don't know what it is about it, but I just loathe folding and putting away laundry!!

  4. Good luck with the laundry thing. It happens to me too.

    Dennen and I just watched Despicable Me and the little green guys do look like Chilean miners!
