Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas with the Hendricks

The Hendricks family had guests this Christmas
and had a gay ol' time.

Silas's parents, Mark and Brenny,
 came up from Arizona
 to visit their favorite children
(Silas & Julia).

Cookis from Christmas's Past

On Christmas Eve Amandah had lots of things planned:
make sugar cookies for Santa/ decorate them
go caroling
go see lights
make wassail
read the story of Christ's birth
open pajamas

of course, only 1/2 of these tasks happened.
She figured Santa was fat enough, right?
and who really likes staring at carol-ers in the freezing cold?
She made her first homeade wassail
it was good.

They took a gander at the price gouging Spanish Fork
Festival of Lights...

It was actually pretty good!

Then they came home and Grandpa Mark read
the birth of Christ.

all the while Wyatt was anticipating opening his 1 present
(which he didn't know was going to be PJs).
Poor kid.
 It was almost as if he thought he was getting to meet Mario himself.
The wrapping paper flew.
The gift was open and life as he knew it was over.

Can you tell W is in that horrible teeth grinding smile stage?
It hurts my ears looking at it.

W & M hopped in bed.

The Elf made his trip back to the North Pole.


Amandah woke in the morning to make
some cinnamon rolls.



It was time to reveal the gifts.
Wyatt got his beloved pillow pet.

Max had a great time rolling in the wrapping paper.

Silas had his mommy.

and all was well.

I hope you had a
you filthy animals

and a



  1. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas. I love Max's pjs! Mmmm, those look like some tasty cinnamon rolls... Homemade? Every time I see that pic of Silas's butt and his dad holding daisy, I crack up (no pun intended).

  2. YES! i made these cinnamon rolls from scratch for the first time, and i gotta say, JUST LIKE CINNABON!! woo! I like that picture too... i'm sure it's just a matter of time before someone yells at me again to take it down.

  3. Aw what a precious father son picture...

    Those cinnamon rolls look amazing by the way.
    We love your family, Happy Holidays to you guys!

  4. Your wassail and cinnamon rolls look AMAZING. Next Christmas will you come make them at our house, please? Glad you had a good Christmas!
