Friday, January 28, 2011

Farty Party. I mean: Family Party.

I promise this is the last post on MR W turning 5.
But it's gonna be dooosey!

Wyatt's Birthday came and went with a bang.
he started off the morning pampered with hot brown sugar muffins,
which sadly sagged in the middle after removing them from the oven.

He then dressed himself in his favorite blue super mario shirt,
put his red laced shoes on the wrong feet, and skipped off to school.
 where i'm sure he reminded everyone at least 10x
that today was in fact his birthday
and he is now 5.

I don't know what i love more, that he calls me princess peach

or when he calls me BRO:

"Hey bro."
"Let me show you how the master does it bro."
and my favorite-

"I love you bro"

So late last night,
Wyatt's parental units decided to decorate their little home.
Amandah quickly made a birthday sign,
 blew up some balloons,
and hung some streamers.

They were excited to show Wyatt;
in fact they tried to wake him around 11:30 to show him the festive decor.
He resisted.
So as they ripped him out of bed,
they took him to their bedroom to sleep on the floor
where he normally ends up at around 3AM anyways.

In the morning when they arose, Wyatt had vanished from the floor.
He had gone back to his room.

7:00:  he came to tell his mom that he needed to use the rest room.
7:45: amandah rolls out of bed to check on him
 he was sitting on his bed looking out his window
 at the dump trucks, and cement trucks working on the house across the street.

She asked him why he didn't sleep on her floor.
His reply : "because you told me not to come out of my room"

Mean old mommy had told him
 if he came out of his room it wouldn't be his birthday
(so she could suprise him with decorations).

the poor kid listened to her and was terrified of missing his birthday.
my tears almost came out.
Then he complimented her on what a great job
 she did on the decorations and how much he liked them.

As much as he drove me nuts all day long
with the same questions
over and over and OVER:

Is today my birthday?
Am I 5 today?
Are my cousins coming over for a party?
Can I open my presents now?
Do you love super mario?
(You get the idea)

I love his guts.

Family came and ate cake.
Messed up our house
(why do kids always try to eat on the couch?)
and had a great time.

Wyatt and his cousins, Jared and Eden

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Birthdays Past...

Wyatt's 1st birthday and
1st run in with cake

2nd Birthday. He's never liked it when people sing.
 He screams when they sing in church too.

Good ol thomas the train

Number 4!!!

Happy #5 to my #1

Numero UNO
Numero 5!!!!

W is having his 5th birthday this friday.
It's the first time he has been able to be excited for his birthday.

What a champ he is.

Wyatt is loyal and sticks up for those he cares about.

He is an AMAZING big brother.
I don't say that lightly.
Today Max was crying.
 I was a little pre occupied and noticed he had stopped.
When i walked in to check on him,
I found Wyatt
who had crawled into his crib and was talking and tickling Max.

He obeys.
I will tell him he can't play his DSI,
NO treats,
and i will leave them in plain sight out for him to reach.
 Go take a nap, come back and he hasn't even touched them.

He is honest.
If i ask him if he stuffed his toys under the bed he says
 "yes, wait just a second, i'll go fix that"

He loves to laugh, enjoys life and tells me he loves me at least 10 times a day.
He is the sweetest, most sensitive, energetic 5 year old i know.

We got so lucky with you Mr. W.
You turned my world upside down and made it 100+x better.

I love you with all of my heart.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

the buzz

Here's the new hap haps at the Hendricks'.

Amandah started school.
Let's hope she stays there.

This week Maxers top two teeth shined through.
That's a total of 4 teeth now people!
The little squirt still isn't sitting up.
I wouldn't want to sit up either if I had a gnarly butt rash.

If there were a first prize for rolling around,
 it would go to MAX

Today, as Wyatt was emptying the dishwasher,
he became ecstatic
(running around the house, jumping up and down)
about how the tupperware fits together.
I wish I cared that much about tupperware.

Silas is still selling toilets and making the world a better place.
One toilet at a time.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Resolution #3

Here is something I have struggled with since the beginning of time.
A great past time I have always loved ,
 but something frowned upon by others

I know there are others who struggle with this as well.
I guess you could call it an addiction.
If you ask me, I would say it is a crime
to do it.

Since you are dying to know,
and I'm dying to tell you,
let's just get it over with.


That's my deep dark secret.
Not picking my boogers and eating it.
Carrie, be quiet.

I was going to post a really gross video that was about
10 mintues long, jam packed of a sailor mouthed girl
popping this nonstop zit,
but Silas said you wouldn't read anymore.

I love doing this.
Mine and Silas's too.

Not really anyone else's but I do
enjoy seeing a good mirror spray.
Why give it up you wonder?
Well, since it is not good for my skin,
probably aggravating it and producing more,
 I will stop.
And since Silas screams and stomps 
 like a little girl when I pop his,
I will stop.

I'm going to miss it.

If you can't tell by now, Amandah didn't make these resolutions up before the year started.
Because she's a procrastinator.
But oddly enough, she's not going to make that a resolution.
But I'm sure she'll think of some more later.

Misprint: I will only do it when it needs be done. ie a huge white eye staring me in the face is going to meet its doom!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Resolution #2

Resolution #2 is a bit more work.
Something I dread more than anything in this world...
Not boogers on walls,
not poopy diapers,
not removing catheters,


dun Dun DUNNNN!!!

Oh the horror.
I know you hate it too.
 But the difference between you and me, is that I won't do it.
Even eventually.
We will live out of our clean laundry baskets.
It's not the washing I can't handle.
 It's the sorting, and folding, and putting away.
I don't know why.
Maybe because its time consuming, tedious work.

So my next resolution is to not let the baskets sit more than a day.
This is a huge deal people!!
these here baskets have been stewing for a week.
 But still.

So, today, as I was conquering this resolution
my mother W and I
were watching Despicable Me.

My mom seems to think that the little yellow guys resemble Chilean miners.

I definately see a resemblance.

Resolution #1

Bringing in this new year brought new thoughts and ideas for Amandah.
She asked her fellow humans if they had made any resolutions.
To no one's suprise they were all
"lose weight".

Blah blah blah.

Sorry people,
but I can think of that one on my own.

So I went to the mattresses...

I apologize if this grosses you out.
 But if you're reading this blog,
this is either your first time here
you are accostomed to it and
 you think me mildly entertaining/informative/interesting
and are now an addict.

Resolution #1

at first glance this may seem like a regular leg.

but upon inspection of the second leg...

you realize I am either a Croation wooly mammoth
or a  lazy person.

So this is a few months accumulation.

Now, to my defense it is cold outside.
 Heaven forbid my legs freeze and I be stuck in snow.

So, after i shaved my legs
(don't worry, i showered after)
I made this resolution:
Shave my legs at least once a week.

even i said ew.

and yes. I cleaned the tub.

I would also like to point out the fabulous MR.
 has never made any comments towards my hairyness
and STILL thinks I'm
"dead sexy"
That's when you know you've got a keeper.

Do you have any irregular resolutions? Do tell.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas with the Hendricks

The Hendricks family had guests this Christmas
and had a gay ol' time.

Silas's parents, Mark and Brenny,
 came up from Arizona
 to visit their favorite children
(Silas & Julia).

Cookis from Christmas's Past

On Christmas Eve Amandah had lots of things planned:
make sugar cookies for Santa/ decorate them
go caroling
go see lights
make wassail
read the story of Christ's birth
open pajamas

of course, only 1/2 of these tasks happened.
She figured Santa was fat enough, right?
and who really likes staring at carol-ers in the freezing cold?
She made her first homeade wassail
it was good.

They took a gander at the price gouging Spanish Fork
Festival of Lights...

It was actually pretty good!

Then they came home and Grandpa Mark read
the birth of Christ.

all the while Wyatt was anticipating opening his 1 present
(which he didn't know was going to be PJs).
Poor kid.
 It was almost as if he thought he was getting to meet Mario himself.
The wrapping paper flew.
The gift was open and life as he knew it was over.

Can you tell W is in that horrible teeth grinding smile stage?
It hurts my ears looking at it.

W & M hopped in bed.

The Elf made his trip back to the North Pole.


Amandah woke in the morning to make
some cinnamon rolls.



It was time to reveal the gifts.
Wyatt got his beloved pillow pet.

Max had a great time rolling in the wrapping paper.

Silas had his mommy.

and all was well.

I hope you had a
you filthy animals

and a