Friday, November 12, 2010

The Elf on the Shelf

One day while working at the hospital, Amandah was browsing through the gift shop, when she stumbled upon this...

What is that you ask?
A wonderful family tradition she was about to unmask!

It comes with an elf and a book,
of some I will read,
A book to sustain your child's Christmas Greed!

 Have you ever wondered how Santa knows if you're naughty or nice?
 Here's the scoop on the poop, have a slice...

A testimonial from their un named Elf :

"Each night while you're sleeping to Santa I'll fly
 to the North Pole
right through the dark sky.
I tell him if you have been good or been bad.
The news of the day makes him happy or sad.

A push or a shove I'll report to "the Boss",
but small acts of kindness will not be a loss...

I'll be back at your home before you awake,
and then you must find the new spot I will take....

There's only one rule that you have to follow
so I will come back and be here tomorrow:
PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ME. My magic might go,
and Santa won't hear all I've seen or I know."

As the thoughtful mother was reading the book to Wyatt this morning,
 he was eyeing the Elf on the Shelf with a warning. 
The cogs in his head were turning,
he wasn't sure about this tiny toy stranger, she was learning.

He went to the Elf on the shelf and reached out to nab him, 
when his mother exclaimed,
"No! Don't Grab him!"
Wyatt quickly retracted his arm in a flash,
and back to his mother he promptly would dash.
 "It's just a toy mom,"
the child would say.
 In a round about way,
 his mother said Nay.
"Not just a toy," his mother replied,
 "the elf was sent here as Santa's super spy!"

Wyatt looked to the Elf then back to his mother.
He didn't like to hear this news of "the other".

Wyatt became angry. 
He was truly upset. 
This fun Christmas tradition was one to forget.

She hadn't thought about his reaction,
 or planned it to go this way at all.
Wyatt went to his room in a huff,
stomping all the way there,
 and yelling some stuff,

"I don't know about this! I don't think i like that guy,
 I'm not sure I want any presents from Santa."

[Enter Amandah's heart Breaking]

Poor kid.
His Mom was a liar, truly a thief.
Why had she not forseen this horrible grief?!

Needless to say, the Elf recieved no name,
While Wyatt thought, "man this thing is so lame",

Amandah thought to herself, "jeez what a mess,
I truly have caused my son so much stress."

Stay tuned to see how she gets out of this bind.
Is there hope in this world for a mom of her kind?


  1. Your creativity is truly impressive! Love your mad poetry skillz. I've heard of the Elf on a Shelf and thought it sounded like a fun tradition... Can't wait to find out what happens! ;-)

  2. This is so amazing. You are quite the poet! It's funny cause I just finished writing our Christmas card (I's ridiculously early) and I wrote it as a poem. Then right after I finished I got on and saw your blog....great minds think alike, eh?? Anyway, longest comment ever, but I hope Wyatt gets over his fear/hatred of that elf soon cause it sounds like a fun tradition!

  3. Love it! I really want wanna of those. How much was it? I might have you buy me one and I will pay ya back. Let me know. And oh lil Wyatt, what can I say he might not want to go see Santa at the mall if there are elves there. HAHA!

  4. I totally want one of those elves! I can't believe it backfired like it did. What?! It sounded totally fool proof ! Very good rhyming skills too.
