Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas 2012!

Christmas has come and gone here, and with it a batch of stomach virus. For some lame reason I didn't take any pictures of the kids in their pjs or opening presents. Oh wait I remember why: Hattie barfed all over hers an Max had diarrhea all over his, that's why. But luckily I got a few later in the day. I made some SUPER easy AMAZING cinnamon rolls and bacon, and rode all over the house with the plasma car,( mostly by myself), the puppet theater i made was a huge success with Silas. So I'd say it was a good Christmas! How was you and yours?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Handmade Christmas

What do you give someone who can buy themselves anything? I found myself asking this question when it was my turn to buy a gift for my cousin Brittany. So I asked her," Brittany. What do you want?" "Make me something," she says. So I asked her her favorite quote and she told it to me.

A long time ago before I was a twinkle in my mommy's eye, my grandpa use to say," Lips that touch a cigaroot shall never rest beneath my snoot!" Probably to deter his daughters from dirt bags. I'd say it worked well. And thus was her favorite quote.

So I gave it my all and tried my hand at the art of paper cutting. Wowee. So time consuming. And SO many hand cramps! Here's my journey...

Warning: So many pictures.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

A New Room

Lately I've been trying to finish up a bunch of projects around the house. I (and when I say I, I mean Silas) started with a mud hall. We've never had anywhere to drop out coats and bags so they clutter up the table and then I yell. So we transformed a bare wall to a hooker wall. I really like it. (First two pics) Then I decided to carry it into the dining room....We finished last night. I LOVE the way it turned out. I still have to paint, but isn't it great?! It feels like its very own space now. Now I think I feel confident enough to tackle our lack of a mantle... I've been gathering ideas for that for years... I drew one up that I really like but I'll probably modify a bit. I just need to figure out what to use for a hearth. Although the blanket nicely shields my children from the death trap drywall edges, I think it's time. Any ideas? Brick, stone?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Snow and stuff

It snowed! For the longest time (my whole life) I've never really enjoyed snow. I like to look at it falling from the sky at night. the way it brightens up the entire sky and somehow feels so magical. But when it comes to actually going outside I will pass. I finally figured out why. I've never once owned a pair of snow boots, or snow pants. Or real gloves, just your cheapo one sized fits all (except my defected) hands. Maybe if I had had all that stuff i could have enjoyed it. maybe.

My kids on the other hand don't care that they do have all that stuff. They still choose to go outside sockless in their underwear. Especially Max. He's definitely an outdoorsman.

I love Utah in the winter, I just hate the cold. Make sense?

Monday, December 17, 2012

We're Baaaaack!

Ahoy hoy! After being gone on a year long sabbatical I've decided it's time for me to make my big comeback via mobile device. So you will be receiving quick excerpts (about the length of time it takes me to do mah biznaz) of our ongoings. Please forgive me in advance for the grammatical and spelling errors. My fingers aren't what they used to be.